Hares wanted for 3 March onwards. Still places available for Burns Weekend.
Click here for Burns Weekend details

The 2000th Run - Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th September 2022

Write-ups and pictures of the three runs over the weekend can be found in the table below.

Run No Date Venue Link to Write-up Link to Photos
199923/09/2022Babbity Bowster
200024/09/2022Commodore, Helensburgh
200125/09/2022Raven, Glasgow

Here are the hashers who were there

Number Name 1999 2000 Party 2001
1 KipperYYYY
2 AudreyYYYY
4 Glaury HoleYYYY
5 Red JumperNYYY
6 Split SausageNYYY
7 OlymprickYYYY
8 The BrewerNYNY
9 HairsprayNYYY
10 Rug RatNNYY
11 Big MacYYYY
12 Nae DesperateNYYY
13 JemimaNYYY
14 Fish FlapsNYYN
15 RectumNYYN
16 Mac the DickYYYN
17 Stand and DeliverYYYY
18 Mad DusterNYYY
19 CidermanYYYY
20 Tutti FruitiYYYY
21 BarbarellaYYYN
22 Doina RomoceaYYYN
23 KatoyboyYYYY
24 Katoyboy's plus1YYYN
25 CockatoolYYYY
26 Ride of the ValkyriesNYYY
27 TurdburglarYYYY
28 ShakyYYYN
29 Hughie BlaaaaagghhrrrYYYY
30 BarcodeYYYN
31 LucyNYYN
32 PirelliNYYY
33 Assaulty DogNYYN
34 Hot PandaNYYN
35 Emilia KoslowskaNYYN
36 McCavityYYYY
37 Tongue LasherNYYY
38 BambiNYYY
39 The Bureau PratNNNY
40 Kerb CrawlerNYYN
41 Celtic Cock HopperYYNN
42 Gin & VomitNYYY
43 Inspector GorseNNNY
44 Silent PantsYYYY
45 ClementineYYYY
46 MimiNYNN
47 BladerunnerYYYY
48 Fux FunnyYYNN
49 Pommie KnickersYYNN
50 WildebeestYYYY
51 Thermal DickYYYY
52 Bruce AlmightyYYYY
54 Delta PigletNYYN
55 SickboyYNNN
56 Joan of BarfYNNN
57 Lauren's MumNYNN
58 Hurty Botty (Megasaurarse)NNNY
59 ShaggusNNNY
60 SharkoNNNY
61 Eric theNYNN

Next Run

Monday 17 February @ 7pm
Inn Deep, 445 Great Western Road, Hillhead
Click here to join us.


Your mismangement has put together a set of protocols to avoid unnecessarily spreading Covid-19. Please read them and stick by them while you're hashing. Click on the heading to see them.