Hares wanted for 10 February onwards. Still places available for Burns Weekend.
Click here for the latest write up (Run 2134 Scaredy's Hoose)

Details of Run 2121

Date Venue Hare(s)
Saturday 26 OctoberTrossachs Pier, Loch KatrineBMI Baby and Bladerunner

Hashers Coming

These are the people currently confirmed as being booked on to the run. This might help you to set your trail to fit the needs of those coming. Things may change between now and the start of the run.

Starting at 11:00
Number Name Confirmed?
1 BMI Baby Yes
2 Bladerunner Yes
3 Audrey Yes
4 Stand and Deliver Yes
5 Hairspray Yes
6 Rug Rat Yes
7 Mongoose Yes
8 Gin Bin Yes
9 Assaulty Dog Yes
10 Postie Yes
11 Mr Uxorious Yes
12 Radar Yes
13 A N Other Yes
14 Fux Funny Yes
15 Split Sausage Yes
16 Glaury Hole Yes

Risk Assessment

Use this risk assessment to help you understand the risks and any steps you need to take for the pack to stay safe on your trail.

Don’t forget hashers are expected to go off trail, so think about risks away from where the flour is to be laid.

Last Risk Review Input : Not yet completed

Possible Hazards Who might be harmed and how? Ways to control the risk Action Taken? (blank = not relevant, "✓" = risk controlled)
Transmission of COVID-19 through close contact / meeting other people Hashers, members of the public – risk of spreading COVID-19 Avoid busy car parks and popular walking/running areas.
Avoid particularly narrow routes where physical distancing is not possible.
Remind hashers beforehand about the guidelines.
Advise hashers at the start of the run to maintain physical distancing, and what to do at any pinch points or road crossings – this is everyone’s responsibility.
Carry a face covering in case of incidents.
Ensure you have a record of anyone who attended the run who didn’t book in.
Transmission of COVID-19 through touching gates, stiles, fences or equipment Hashers, members of the public – risk of spreading COVID-19 Avoid touching gates and path furniture, where possible.
Suggest hashers bring hand sanitiser.
Advise hashers not to share food, drink or equipment such as torches.
Bad weather (including extreme temperatures) Hashers – risk of illness and injury, risk of the group being stranded Check the weather forecast and postpone/cancel if necessary. Advise hashers to bring suitable clothing and items for the conditions.
Busy roads Hashers – risk of vehicle collisions Countryside trails should avoid routes along busy roads and/or check for suitable crossing places on the recce.
Town trails should avoid narrow pavements on busy roads, and use pedestrian crossings where possible.
Steep, slippery or muddy sections. Hashers – risk of trips/slips Check for muddy/slippery sections on the recce and adapt the route if necessary. Advise hashers to bring suitable footwear for the conditions.
Livestock Hashers – risk of injury Cross fields with livestock calmly and quietly. Be prepared to divert around livestock if necessary.
Risk of farmer’s loss if livestock are startled Follow the Outdoor Access Code. Leave gates and property as you find them.
Cliffs or sheer drops Hashers – risk of falls Check paths are suitable for a pack to use safely and make changes if necessary.
Take heed of any local warnings or signs, and advise hashers to keep away from the edge.
Vegetation Hashers - risk from poisonous or sharp plants Be aware of nettles, thorns, giant hogweed etc. encroaching on or near the planned trail.
Darkness Hashers – trips, slips & bumps into unseen objects Night time trails should be under street light or moonlight where possible. Where a dark section is the only option give the hashers warning prior to the day of the run so they can bring torches.
Hashing should not be a risky exercise but nothing is entirely risk-free. Individual hashers are responsible for managing their own risks and the hare’s responsibility is to ensure, as far as possible, the pack is not exposed to any significant or unexpected risks. Hashers should be warned of any material risks to their health or safety in the briefing prior to the commencement of the run; and that, ultimately, they take part at their own risk.
At the present time, with the threat of Covid-19 we should all be especially aware of the risk of spreading the disease through contact with members of the emergency services – let’s avoid any emergencies if we can.
If you have any questions the risks of haring your trail, please get in touch with: kipper@glasgowh3.co.uk

How to Carry out a Risk Assessment

This template is a tool to help you plan and lead hash runs safely. You must do a risk assessment for each run.

  • Use the template to assess whether your hash run is safe to go ahead.
  • We've included suggestions for the ways to control the risks – you do not need to tick every box. The important thing is to identify the potential hazards and note the actions you will take to reduce the risk.
  • It’s important to carry out a risk assessment before the run takes place. You should start filling it out when planning the trail, and update it with any extra hazards that you notice on your recce.
  • Think about the different types of hazards and risks. We’ve included some common examples, but think carefully about your own trail in case anything needs adding.
    Examples of other risks might include:
    • Flooded paths, after heavy rain
    • Incoming tide for coastal routes
    • Poisonous plants
    • Belligerent land-owners
    This isn’t an exhaustive list, so think carefully about any specific risks you may encounter on your trail.
  • Next, consider the steps you can take to minimise the risk. Remember that this may sometimes mean changing your original plan. For example:
    • I will recce the route again to check whether the paths are flooded, and plan an alternative if necessary
    • I will check the local tide times and adjust the walk start time
    • I will read the local warning signs on my recce and advise the pack about the risks in my welcome briefing
  • If you’re not sure what to do to reduce the risk contact Kipper at kipper@glasgowh3.co.uk.

Your Haring and Covid-19

Due to COVID-19, there are extra steps we need to take to organise and hold hash runs safely. Please visit the GH3 Covid Protocols for the latest updates and guidance.

It’s essential for all hares to consider the following questions, when deciding whether to take part in a hash.
Do you (or does someone else from your household) have COVID-19 symptoms?

If so, you should self-isolate in line with government guidance.

You must not take part in hashing activities during this time.

Symptoms include a high temperature, a new continuous cough and the loss, or a change to your sense of smell or taste. Find out more about COVID-19, and what you should do if you have symptoms on the NHS website.

Are you ‘clinically vulnerable’?

If you (or someone you live with) are at higher risk of getting seriously ill from coronavirus, you should take extra care to minimise contact with others from outside your household.

Taking part in a hash run may put you and those around you at higher risk. It may not be the right decision at this time.

Remember – everyone over 70, and those with certain underlying health conditions are considered to be ‘clinically vulnerable’. You can find more information from the NHS.

Do you want to be a hare, and do you feel safe and comfortable doing so?

Laying a hash trail is a personal choice. There will never be any obligation or pressure to hare or take part if you don’t want to, or are not able to at this time.