Hares wanted for 10 February onwards. Still places available for Burns Weekend.
Click here for the latest write up (Run 2134 Scaredy's Hoose)


Burns Supper

Burns Supper

It's back for 2024

The Glasgow H3 Burns Supper weekend made a return for 2024, with the main event taking place on 3rd February. We returned to the Winnock Hotel in Drymen for two nights of luxury accommodation, two scenic runs and one unforgettable haggis supper followed by some unrememorable speeches. Click on the link below for more information.


Next Run

Monday 27 January @ 7pm
Babbity Bowster, 16-18 Blackfriars St, Merchant City
Click here to join us.


Your mismangement has put together a set of protocols to avoid unnecessarily spreading Covid-19. Please read them and stick by them while you're hashing. Click on the heading to see them.