Hares wanted for 3 March onwards. Still places available for Burns Weekend.
Click here for Burns Weekend details

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  • Kipper

    The SCRAN run is on 8th December from the Raven at 12:00. There are beer stops on the run. One of the stops is a cash-only bar.


  • Kipper

    Registrations for the 2025 Nash Hash have been open for just over a week and nearly 500 hashers have registered already. If you're interested in going get your registration in quick! See the "UK Hash Events" section of the Hareline page for more details.


Welcome to the Glasgow Hash House Harriers

Glasgow Hash House Harriers (GH3) was founded on 26th August 1985 by Roger McIlroy. We are proud to have been the FIRST Scottish Hash to have a website!

Glasgow H3 have hosted many major events including UK Nash Hash 99 and The Commonweatlh Hash 2014. Both events were acclaimed by all who attended, and were considered "unqualified successes!"

This Web Site is updated regularly to include our next few run locations, any Hash social news or gossip, and details of any events GH3 intend to stage.

Checkout our FaceBook Group which is extremely active with run reports, photo's, and news of events. An Instagram Page also started in 2023.

What We Do

Glasgow Hash House Harriers runs every Monday Night throughout the year at 7pm from various pubs or places around the City, including some of the nearer satellite towns and parks. Social activities afterwards will depend on things like the weather, the proximity of a welcoming pub and the number of hashers present.

We are a social jogging group, where running is considered optional! You do not need to be fit to do a trail with Glasgow. We have members of all ages, shapes and sizes. There is a very wide mix in the running ability of our members, so you should always find someone to crawl, stroll, walk, jog, or (even) run along with. New members or guests welcome at any time.

We are an active part of the Scottish, UK and World Hashing Scene, and regularly have joint runs with various other Hashes. Our members travel far and wide to UK, Euro and InterHash events.

Hashing, which has often ben described as a "drinking club with a running problem", originated in Kuala Lumpur before the second world war and has spread to hundreds of countries. Thousands of Hash kennels have sprung up literally all over the world. There are loads of web sites which will give you much more information, try some of the Hash Web Sites indicated below.

Next Run

Monday 17 February @ 7pm
Inn Deep, 445 Great Western Road, Hillhead
Click here to join us.


Your mismangement has put together a set of protocols to avoid unnecessarily spreading Covid-19. Please read them and stick by them while you're hashing. Click on the heading to see them.